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The members are elected at annual meetings in March so that half of the board are selected one year and the other half the following year. This is in order to get continuity in the boards work.

Board 2019
Chairman Glenn Sjögren Mandate to 2024
Vice chairman Roland Ekbäck Mandate to 2023
Treasurer Siv Johansson Mandate to 2023
Secretary Helene Erlandsson Mandate to 2023
Commissioner Jan Persson Mandate to 2024
FA-Group Gro Mette Wang Mandate to 2023
Commissioner Helen Langer Mandate to 2024

 Auditors is Magnus Ageberg, Sven-Gunnar Ivars, Erich Floderer is deputy auditor.

The nominating committee: Sven Erik Kilsten (as assemble) Maria Widén, Charlotta Roxenrot .

The above persons was choosen at the associations annual meeting 26 mars 2022 or earlier.