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The organisation

The Norwegian naturist organisation consists of a national federation, nine naturist associations and three naturist cooperatives.

Norwegian naturistforbund (NNF) is an umbrella organization for the nine naturist associations in Norway. The federation is led by a board of five members and four alternates.

NNF is affiliated with the International Naturist Federation INF-FNI ( ). Through a membership in one of the associations you get access to all naturist grounds in the world and all naturist arrangements organised by an organisation that is affiliated with INF-FNI. All members receive an INF-FNI-passport as proof of membership. Likewise, naturists from other conutries with a valid INF-FNI-pass can of course visit all naturist grounds and naturist arrangements in Norway

Compared with the rest of the world, the Norwegian naturist associations are somewhat special in that none of them own their own ground. Instead, all members have access to the three naturist owned and operated resorts: Isefjær, Sjøhaug and Skovly. Some naturist associations are supervising and maintaining public naturist beaches in cooperation with the municipality.