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History of Gustavsberg

Pictures from Gustafsberg around 1900.
Gustavsberg had been purchased by the Örebro Municipality in 1930 for use as a summer holiday home for children from Örebro. This activity continued until 1975 when Nora Municipality purchased the site with associated buildings. It remained unused for eight years until NBS obtained occupation in 1983. The buildings and surrounding grounds had deteriorated and been used in a questionable manner by trespassing young people.
In the summer of 1982, NBS (the Bergslagen Solsport Naturist Club) wrote to the Nora Municipality requesting permission to use the Gustavsberg site as a private camping site. On 2 May 1983, the Municipal Council approved the proposal submitted to representatives of Nora Municipality by the Committee of NBS.
Many willing people helped reclaim the overgrown area. Grass was mown, reeds and scrub cleared and a temporary sauna built. Swings, a sandbox and other playground equipment were erected and a volleyball court and net arranged. During that first summer, approximately 90 camping families visited the site!
Gustavsberg was officially opened as a naturist camping and swimming site on July 2, 1983. All those in Nora who had been involved in the preparations and representatives of the Press were invited to the opening ceremony.
From the opening 1983.                        Photo Gert Glantz
Work on rehabilitating and developing the Gustavsberg area continued during the following years. Sand was transported to the beach, rooms in “The Ark” were painted and wall-papered, the sauna renovated, a jetty built, outdoor lighting installed, a hot water supply was connected to the showers and dish-washing facilities.
Continued activities.                             Photo Gert Glantz
A so-called Norwegian week has been arranged each year since 1985. This is an exchange visit with the paired Norwegian Mjös District Naturist Federation. A feature of these visits is an annual shrimp party to which all guest campers are welcomed.
Photos from a Norwegian Week.           Photo Gert Glantz
The annual national meeting of the Union of Swedish Naturist Federations was held at Gustavsberg on 27 June 1985. 16 different federations were represented by 52 members at the opening of the meeting, a record figure.
From the annual national naturist meeting 1985.     Photo Gert Glantz
A fifteen-year leasing agreement was reached between NBS and Nora Municipality on 11 June 1985. A Camp Manager was engaged to function as a host for the first time that year.
1986 saw much activity and considerable work was performed in continuing the development of Gustavsberg. An area south of the original property was offered by Nora Municipality as an extension of Gustavsberg.
1987 NSB signed a new leasing agreement with Nora Municipality respecting the area south of Gustavsberg. The Municipality purchased and installed a new toilet building adjacent to the original.
1990 was an important building year at Gustavsberg. A new ablutions block was built and the supply of electricity was extended to 60 camping sites. An agreement was signed for the occupancy of the Gustavsberg site by NBS for the following 20 years.
A new record number of visitors were set in 1992 when 9771 guests were registered. Many foreigners found their way to Gustavsberg this summer, mostly from Norway and Holland.
Work on the development of Gustavsberg has continued and more is planned. During 2000, for example, enthusiastic volunteers repainted “The Ark”. Season ticket campers take turns as volunteers in assisting with the maintenance work to limit the Federation’s expenses. Members take turns as Camp Host as needed during their visits to the Site.
The old fine woodenburn sauna have now been totally restaurated inside and received a porch toward the lake.  A wonderful place to relax with an adorable view.