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Heden - Halmstad


Heden - Halmstad
56° 37' 38.8668" N, 12° 54' 7.866" E

Heden is an official nude beach located in a national park at the southern end of Östra Stranden beach, about 5 km from Halmstad, close to E6 and Hagöns (textile) Camping (N17).

The beach is operated by Halmstad municipality.

The southern part of the beach is intended for nude bathing.

Drive past Hagön's Camping and continue as far as you can. Park your car. It is about 150 meters from the car park to the beach over the moor and the sand dunes.

Södra Stranden is a very long sand beach. It is also very shallow far out and ideal for small children.

There is a lavatory at the car park and dustbins on the shore. No tap water at the beach.

Tourist info: Phone +46 35 137000 or

+46 35 109345. 



Finns en skylt som visar vart man ska gå fin strand trots närheten till hamnen och E6 bra läge om man vill svänga av för ett bad toaletter finns på campingen

Den vagnen måste varit gömd väl! För den hittade jag inte! De som jag pratade med sa att den inte finns! Suck!
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Kommunen har väl tyvärr tagit bort den.

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